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Course Information

Advanced Training (Level 3)
in Guided Imagery and Music (Bonny Method) 2025-2026


Applications are invited to form a new training group in Advanced studies in the Bonny Method of Guided Imagery and Music


Course Structure

The course structure over 2 years includes:

 A series of eight 3-day intensive seminars comprising didactic teaching, group discussion, group supervision and group experiential work. The didactic teaching is offered in hybrid format. Some seminars are in-person, most are online.  In the intervening months between seminars, trainees conduct client sessions, receive supervision, read set texts and complete written assignment work.



Applicants must have completed the Introductory GIM training (also known as level 1, or level 2). Trainees must be fully qualified therapists with experience in working with adult clients.  Trainees who have experience working only with children may need extra client sessions and supervision (see below).  A knowledge of classical music is an advantage.


Client Sessions

50-75 sessions are required; the number is dependent on the experience that trainees have in working with adults. The majority of these must be full Bonny Method sessions (approx. 1.5 - 2 hours in length). You must have provided at least two clients with a series of minimum 10 sessions, for you to gain experience in long term GIM. Some of the 50-75 may be shortened Bonny Method sessions or group GIM sessions. Trainees complete a summary form of each session for use in supervision and presentations at seminars.  Trainees also maintain a log of sessions.



12-15 supervisions are required (dependent on experience working with adult clients). These are mainly audio-recorded sessions with Zoom or telephone supervision post session, or where possible, on-site supervisions. Trainees must have one supervision per 5 sessions given.Trainees are required to either video the setting in which they are practising, or show it on Zoom, to discuss with supervisor the placement of music system and comfort for the client. Supervisors are Australian RGIMTs who have completed supervision training, or occasionally experienced supervisors from AMI or EAMI may be appointed for specific client issues.


Personal sessions

A minimum 15 personal experiential sessions of GIM are required. These sessions are conducted by a qualified GIM practitioner holding Registration with MIAA, EAMI or AMI. At least 10 of these sessions must be given by the same therapist.  Trainees are encouraged to have more than the 15 required sessions.


Case consultations 

Each trainee presents case material at seminars 2-8, with peer discussion and feedback.  At least one case presentation must be a series of 10 sessions.


Required reading

There are required texts for this training.  In addition, trainees read pertinent articles in referred journals. The Bonny Method Music Programs are purchased from Barcelona Publishers:



There are two music awareness projects to complete before the end of training.  Detailed information is provided to assist in completing these projects.

One of the clients in a series of 10 is a written case study, including overview of the 10 sessions and the mandalas.

There is a final project to complete before the end of the training.  The topic is discussed with the Trainers in the final year. The topics must be related to GIM – e.g. GIM and a particular cohort of clients, or developing a new GIM music program, or a comparison of different approaches including GIM.  Details for writing up the final project are provided at the beginning of Advanced Training.

There is a Course Manual that outlines all these requirements in detail.



Personal sessions: Therapists determine their own fees. They may charge $150 for a 1.5 hour session. You are encouraged to have in-person sessions rather than online, but it depends on availability of therapists. The trainers assist you finding a therapist.

Personals @$150 x 15 = $2250.


Supervisions are set by MIAA at $180.  A supervision is a 3-hour commitment.  The supervisor listens to the recording in full, and then there is a one-hour Zoom with the trainee. The supervisor then writes a report. 12 supervisions = $2160. 15 supervisions @ $180: $2700. 


The seminar costs vary according to how many seminars are online, and how many are in-person.  The costs vary between $350-$500 per seminar depending on how many trainees there are. Where possible we prefer in-person but we are aware that airfares then add to the costs.


A rough estimate is $9000 - $10,000 in total for advanced training, including seminars (teaching), personal sessions, supervisions, text books and Digital Compilation of the Music Programs. Excluded are travel costs, room rental and catering for in-person seminars. The costs are spread evenly across 2 years.  Seminar payments come to Avalon each seminar (each 4 months), costs for supervisions and personal sessions go directly to the practitioner.


An application form and referee forms are available on request. Please contact Dr Denise Grocke at  If you have any question at all  please email to arrange a time for phone call/Zoom



    Box 7210, Beaumaris, Victoria 3193 Australia

    Phone 61-3-9589 4284 or Mobile 0402 579 819

    ©2018 by Avalon GIM Training.

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